Dr. Prerana H. Vishwanathan

Dentist in Kharghar, Navi Mumbai


With expertise in oral hygiene and various dental procedures, Dr. Prerana Vishwanathan is one of the dentists in Kharghar contributing to overall well-being by ensuring healthy teeth and gums.

Speciality: Dentist

Qualification: BDS Nair Hospital Dental College (NHDC), Mumbai.

Experience: 19 Years 

Location: Om Navjeevan Hospital, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai.

Dentist in Kharghar

Brief Profile

Dr. Prerana H. Vishwanathan is a dental professional with 18 years of clinical and 1 year of non-clinical experience. She earned her BDS degree from Nair Hospital Dental College, Mumbai in June 1999, showcasing a strong academic foundation in dentistry. She is one of the best dentists in Kharghar. Highly organised and focused, she excels in managing multiple responsibilities in this fast-paced and high-stress environment.


Dr. Vishwanathan has a rich professional history, including 5 years as an assistant with Dr. Rajan Tamhane and 3 years of locum at Dr. Amit Berani’s clinic. Currently she is serving as a dentist at Om Navjeevan Hospital in Kharghar, since July 2012.


  • BDS from Nair Hospital Dental college,  Mumbai in the year 1999

Past Position:

  • 5 Years of experience with Dr. Rajan Tamhane.
  • 3 Years of Locum at Dr. Amit Berani’s clinic.

Our FAQ’s

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1.What does Dr. Prerana H. Vishwanathan specialise in?

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s pain dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer

2.How many years of experience does Dr. Prerana H. Vishwanathan have?

Prerana H. Vishwanathan has an overall experience of 19 years.

3. How can I take Dr. Prerana H. Vishwanathan appointment?

You can book an appointment with Dr. Prerana H. Vishwanathan through the doctor on Om Navjeevan Hospital website or simply call :

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